WAFFEN Research Laboratories


SL# Name of Product Type of Product Uses
1. Cow premix Pro-biotic Cattle and Animal (pet) growth and milk increasing, busting immunity
2. Poultry premix Pro-biotic Poultry growth and Egg increasing, busting immunity
3. Fish premix Pro-biotic Fish growth, busting immunity
4. Lumpy cure Medicine Skin cure -Animal, Cattle, Pet
5. Pyo cure Medicine Breeding for Animal/Cattle/Pet
6. De-khura Medicine Cattle/Pet/Animal Khura disease
7. De-gas Medicine Cattle/Pet/Animal Khura disease
8. Green Agro Food Sanitizer All vegetables, fish, meat, fruits, etc.
9. Aquose Water purification Pond Water purification/enhance aqua environment of pond
10. D-cole Water purification Industrial water purification
11. Rapid Hygiene Detection Kit (RHDK) Hygiene detection Hygiene awareness specially students, Quality control of all kinds of restaurants, fast food shops, hospitals, clinic, etc.

For more please contact:
Abu Jafar Ansary
Managing Director
WAFFEN Research Laboratory Limited
Blue Moon Gram Tower (7th Floor),
167/24, Matikata, ECB Chattar, Kalshi, Mirpur, Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh

Mobile: +880-1716 4949 22
Email: md@waffenbd.com